マーティン コネリー   Martin C. Connolly
  マーティン コネリー
   所属   鶴見大学  文学部 英語英米文学科
   職種   教授
項目区分 教育方法の実践例
期間 2016/04~2017/03
事項 English Literature Studies (Post-Grad)
概要 In this course we will look at a variety of keys texts from the English Literature canon. My own particular academic expertise is really in two very different areas: late medieval English literature and in the work of the 20th century writer James Joyce, and, related to the latter, modern Irish poetry in English. I can offer in-depth supervisory guidance in any of these areas, but I am also flexible concerning areas which strictly lie outside these areas of my interest, modern UK fiction, for example. I can guide students in their academic approach to a wide variety of literature, as academic principles apply to all areas notwithstanding. Two term course, once a week. We will look at a selection of excerpts from primary and secondary sources. Primary may include James Joyce, Shakespeare, Orwell, Irish poetry, plus other texts. Secondary will be critical articles from journals and books.